Download the equivant Supervisions 2024 State of the Industry Report


equivant Supervision

Northpointe Seal

equivant Supervision exists to support our community supervision and corrections customers in assessing and managing individuals in the community through the software we provide, the people we employ, and the practices we enable. Our team works alongside our customers to not only improve their day-to-day operations, but to also have a hand in strengthening and advancing the justice system as a whole. We know that our industry is composed of both small, impactful details as well as larger, broadly principled policies that come together to drive everyday experiences for both practitioners and clients around the United States.

We’re deeply proud of our role in this complex and meaningful ecosystem.

Our Mission:

Be a valued partner to agencies looking for an efficient and robust solution that supports data driven decisions and improved community safety.

Our Vision:

Provide software that drives better outcomes in criminal justice.

Our organization is composed of practitioners with over a century of combined experience working at all levels of the supervision industry to save you time, make you more efficient, and improve client experiences.

Reviewing Corrections Supervision Data

equivant Supervision Insights

System Test