Download the equivant Supervisions 2024 State of the Industry Report



Meet the team that makes it happen.

Northpointe Seal

Chief Business Development Officer

Chris has more than two decades of experience in the criminal justice field, working with agencies across the nation in positions including equivant Supervision and Pretrial COO, Customer Success Manager, and previously as a Corrections Field Supervisor at the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Division of Community Corrections.

Director of Sales/Business Development

Rob has over three decades of experience both as a pretrial practitioner and as an executive at several software companies. Rob’s background includes an uncommon combination of government, software industry, and consulting experience. A strong believer in the benefits and efficiencies offered by modern case management systems.

Professional Services Manager

Tina brings more than two decades of on-the-ground experience in community supervision and agency problem-solving. As an expert in aligning policy with evidence-based strategies, Tina is adept at leading cross-agency collaboration, analyzing complex business processes, and training diverse teams on large-scale implementations.

Customer Success Manager

Erin joined equivant Supervision and Pretrial in 2021 as a Customer Success Manager. This role is specifically designed to ensure that each agency is able to maximize the usage of its investment in the Northpointe Suite.


Account Success Manager

As an Account Success Manager at equivant Supervision + Pretrial, Stephannie works with agencies to identify goals around their use of the Northpointe Suite and has ongoing contact with them to provide support, education, and guidance—and ensure they maximize their investment. 

Research Team Lead

Eugenie Jackson has been the Research Team Lead for equivant since 2020. She is responsible for initiating, planning, and managing research initiatives, which include service projects and ongoing assessment enhancements for the software. 

Research Scientist

Christina Mendoza began her career in 2016 as a Research Analyst for equivant and has since secured the title of Research Scientist. She collaborates with the Research Lead and is involved in completing all Research projects.

Implementation Specialist

With almost three decades in the criminal justice field and extensive knowledge of the Northpointe Suite, Michele joined equivant Supervision and Pretrial as a Product Implementation Specialist in April 2024.                              

Chris Kamin

Chief Business Development Officer

Chris has more than two decades of experience in the criminal justice field, working with agencies across the nation in positions including equivant Supervision and Pretrial COO, Customer Success Manager, and previously as a Corrections Field Supervisor at the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, Division of Community Corrections. Chris has been involved in developing workflow and business processes, conducting gap analysis, and collaborating on initiatives including EBP Competency, Dosage, Evidence Based Response to Violations, Behaviors and Rewards, Advanced Case Planning, Pretrial reform, and gender-responsive initiatives. She is a standard COMPAS and COMPAS-R Master Trainer, and is also a certified trainer for the Women’s Risk/Need Assessment Trailer (University of Cincinnati) and trained to use both the LSI-R, LS/CMI and ORAS. Chris has also delivered training on Supervisor’s EBP BriefCASE (Carey Group), 4 Core Competencies (Carey Group), and Motivational Interviewing.

Chris began employment at Northpointe, Inc. in 2015 as an Implementation Specialist, responsible for managing the standard COMPAS and WRNA training curricula, as well as the production and delivery of all training services. She left the Professional Services team in 2019 for an opportunity to become the company’s Customer Success Manager, where she cultivated effective relationships with customers and corrections leaders. Chris collaborated with customers and key executives building trust, confidence, and long-term business relationships that highlighted the company’s practitioner perspective and technological advantages. Her primary responsibilities included translating business objectives into strategic success plans helping drive product value and demonstrating ROI (Outcomes Management), optimizing customer engagement and proactively identifying priorities across the industry domain, and advising the company’s executive staff on business related matters.

In her free time, Chris enjoys spending time with her family and friends.

Rob Schwab

Director of Sales/Business Development

Rob has over three decades of experience both as a pretrial practitioner and as an executive at several software companies. Rob’s background includes an uncommon combination of government, software industry, and consulting experience. A strong believer in the benefits and efficiencies offered by modern case management systems, Rob has devoted his career to the development and implementation of software for Supervision, Pretrial, and Correctional agencies. 

Rob began his professional career at the San Mateo County (CA) Pretrial Services Agency, a Bureau of Justice Assistance designated national model program, advancing from pretrial officer to Assistant Director.  Responsible for supervision, treatment courts, IT operations, jail classification, and research, Rob served as liaison to the County Manager, Court, Sheriff, and justice and social service agencies, while managing the development of numerous software applications and programs.

In 2000, Rob co-founded Loryx Systems, a software development company focused on enterprise solutions for Supervision, Pretrial, Treatment Court, and Corrections. As President and Director of Operations, Rob created the sales and marketing program while directing product design and professional services, including full life cycle implementations for city, county, and state governments. Rob joined Capita Technologies (later cFive Solutions) in 2015. As Vice-President of Product Management and Professional Services, he led the production and implementation of Supervision and Corrections systems, as well as spearheading customer success, training, documentation, and Project Management Office (PMO) initiatives.

A former member of the National Association of Pretrial Services Agencies (NAPSA) Board of Directors and Member of the Year, Rob is also a former member of NAPSA’s national standard setting committee for release and the American Probation and Parole Association’s (APPA) committees for case management and procurement.

A San Francisco Bay Area resident, Rob enjoys spending time with family and taking advantage of the area’s diversity and attractions, including driving along the coast, and rooting for the Giants and 49ers.

Tina Larson

Professional Services Manager

Tina brings more than two decades of on-the-ground experience in community supervision and agency problem-solving. As an expert in aligning policy with evidence-based strategies, Tina is adept at leading cross-agency collaboration, analyzing complex business processes, and training diverse teams on large-scale implementations. As the Manager of Professional Services, Tina leads a team of Implementation Specialists, working closely with business operations and sales leadership to successfully deliver Northpointe’s products to new and existing customers. She does all of this by staying up to date on industry knowledge and maintaining an understanding of the main drivers in change management and adult learning theory.

Erin King

Customer Success Manager

Erin joined equivant Supervision and Pretrial in 2021 as a Customer Success Manager. This role is specifically designed to ensure that each agency is able to maximize the usage of its investment in the Northpointe Suite. Erin’s goal is to advocate for, and work collaboratively with, our partners to solve problems, improve efficiencies, and focus on successful outcomes for each agency.

Erin began her career in criminal justice in 1989 as a security guard and a juvenile residential treatment specialist in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. After graduating with a degree in Criminal Justice, she began working as a Probation and Parole Agent for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Seven years into her career, she was promoted to Corrections Field Supervisor and began working closely on adopting and implementing evidence-based practices. Enjoying the work of working with staff from all divisions – Community Corrections, Adult Institutions, and Juvenile Corrections – she moved into a position as a Program and Policy Analyst Cross-Divisional Coordinator in the statewide Reentry Unit. In this role, she assisted in the implementation and adoption of the COMPAS risk assessment and other research-supported practices.

In 2012, she was promoted to Assistant Regional Chief for Community Corrections where she oversaw the first Dosage Probation project, presented at national conferences, and was a part of the creation of the Evidence-Based Response to Violations (EBRV) matrix, among many other projects. She retired from the Department of Corrections in 2015 and took a position to consult, train, and coach nationally on behavior change tools, effective case planning, and risk reduction strategies with The Carey Group. In 2019, she became the Director of Justice Programs for a non-profit pretrial agency and oversaw pretrial operations in six (6) counties, and youth programs in two (2) counties.

With over three decades of experience as a practitioner, supervisor, and administrator, Erin’s ability to evaluate issues from a variety of perspectives has strengthened her commitment to the continuous improvement of the criminal justice field. She enjoys learning about other systems and agencies and thrives in helping identify and overcome challenges our partners face. She continues to have a tremendous passion for the work in the field and is endlessly humbled by the honor and responsibility practitioners have to meet individuals at the most difficult times in their lives and provide them with opportunities and guidance to improve their lives beyond their time in the criminal justice system.

Erin is married with two adult children. She loves to travel, swim, read, write, garden, and spend time with family, friends, and her adorable, but sassy, rescue pup, Bunny JoAnn Jones.

Stephannie Schmidt

Account Success Manager

As an Account Success Manager at equivant Supervision + Pretrial, Stephannie works with agencies to identify goals around their use of the Northpointe Suite and has ongoing contact with them to provide support, education, and guidance—and ensure they maximize their investment.

Stephannie started her career as a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate before transitioning to the Wisconsin Department of Corrections – Division of Community Corrections as a Probation and Parole Agent.  She  was an agent for five years before being promoted to a Corrections Field Supervisor, a position she held for almost two decades before joining the equivant team.  As a Corrections Field Supervisor, Stephannie became a certified trainer for the COMPAS Risk and Needs Assessment, Case Planning, the Impaired Driver’s Assessment, 10 Steps to Risk Reduction, and Core Correctional Practices.  She was involved with the state’s Unified COMPAS Coalition and led projects around interrater reliability and revising tool tips.

She graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Superior with a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Speech Communications.  When she is not working, she enjoys spending time with her husband and their two adult boys. She is an avid adventurer and loves to ski, mountain bike, hike, swim, camp, and run.

Genie Jackson

Research Team Lead

Eugenie Jackson has been the Research Team Lead for equivant since 2020. She is responsible for initiating, planning, and managing research initiatives, which include service projects and ongoing assessment enhancements for the software. Service projects include design and execution of research studies in the areas of scale construction, validation, and norming. The research team works collectively to produce and/or analyze white papers, technical reports, peer-reviewed papers, professional research publications, and conference presentations. Most recently, Eugenie led the equivant Research Department in the COMPAS-R Core project, revising the standard COMPAS Core Risk and Needs Assessment to make it more efficient and transparent while maintaining high levels of accuracy.

She holds a PhD in Statistics from the University of Wyoming and an MS in Mathematical Sciences from East Tennessee State University. Like many of her colleagues at equivant, Eugenie’s career path began in a helping profession. She finds inspiration in the dedication of the agency practitioners who rely on equivant’s products to facilitate evidence-based practice in the management of their clients. Serving the greater good continues to inform her work. Before engaging in justice-related research, she worked as a post-doc at the School of Public Health at West Virginia University in Morgantown, West Virginia, and as an educator in both secondary and post-secondary settings. She is currently pursuing an MS in Criminal Psychology at Carlow University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Her research interests include Risk and Need Assessments, Reentry, and Women’s Pathways. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, reading, and spending time outdoors.

Christina Mendoza

Research Scientist

Christina Mendoza began her career in 2016 as a Research Analyst for equivant and has since secured the title of Research Scientist. She collaborates with the Research Lead and is involved in completing all Research projects. Her duties include data analysis and data preparation for studies (data cleaning), simulating test data for software testing, and report writing. She played a vital role in the revising of the standard COMPAS Core, led by the equivant Research Lead Eugenie Jackson.

Christina holds an MS in Statistics from the University of Wyoming and has two undergraduate degrees, a B.S in Mathematics and a B.A. in English both from Saint Ambrose University in Davenport, Iowa. She believes in evidence-based practices to assist in the decision-making process and the replicability of studies for transparency and knowledge sharing. Ultimately, her focus relies on the welfare of others and how they can benefit from her work.

Research interests for C. Mendoza include recidivism, Women’s Pathways, racial bias, and survival analysis with competing events. Her hobbies include climbing, snowboarding, and hiking.

Michele Krueger

Implementation Specialist

With almost three decades in the criminal justice field and extensive knowledge of the Northpointe Suite, Michele joined equivant Supervision and Pretrial as a Product Implementation Specialist in April 2024. Her primary responsibilities include training customers on equivant’s robust software solutions and serving in a project manager role for various customers.

After earning her bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, Michele began her criminal justice career in 1996 with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (WI DOC). She started as a Probation and Parole Agent in Milwaukee, then in Madison, WI. In 2001, Michele’s career took her to London, England, where she served as a Youth Justice Officer for the Lambeth Youth Offending Service. Michele transitioned back to the adult system, working as a probation officer and supervisor for the National Probation Service of England and Wales in London, England.  

In 2005, Michele returned to Wisconsin and re-instated with the WI DOC. From 2005 to 2024, she served in several positions including Probation & Parole Agent, Staff Development Specialist, Corrections Field Supervisor, and Reentry Project Manager.   Michele led her teams through various evidence-based practice initiatives during her tenure, such as implementing the COMPAS risk/needs assessment with the integrated Northpointe Suite case plan and case management system, spearheading evidence-based response to violations, and more. She enjoys working with customers to ensure they get the full value of their software investment to realize operational and procedural efficiencies.

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