Supervision Case Management

Information that you can use right now.

Northpointe Seal

It’s Not Fair! Or Is It?

What does fairness look like in the justice system? What does equity look like? Are we achieving them? Part of the answer lies in the integrity of our data. Learn more about how data integrity improves trust in the justice system and promotes procedural fairness.

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EBP: Are you REALLY doing it right?

In our field, the letters EBP are used far more than the words they represent: evidence-based practice. Let’s dig into EBP. What does it really mean, and how do you know if you’re doing it?

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Needs vs. Risks: It’s a Balancing Act

Rather than thinking about risk management and corrective intervention as competing ideologies, it’s time to start thinking about them as different approaches that work together to enhance success.

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The No. 1 Time-Saver Most Agencies Miss

It’s time to re-think your assessment strategy. Even the most assessment-savvy agencies are losing precious minutes on non-essential assessment questions, and saving your team that extra five or more minutes is easier than you think.

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System Test