



Six Ways the COMPAS-R Core Assessment Addresses Criminogenic Needs

Northpointe Seal

By Michele Krueger, Implementation Specialist, equivant Supervision 

Addressing criminogenic needs is essential for effective interventions in criminal justice. Criminogenic needs refer to factors that contribute to criminal behavior, such as substance abuse, antisocial attitudes, and lack of education or employment skills. By targeting these needs, programs can reduce recidivism and support rehabilitation. Below are six ways the COMPAS-R Core Assessment addresses criminogenic needs:

1. Identification of Criminogenic Needs

The COMPAS-R Core risk and needs assessment helps identify specific factors contributing to an individual’s criminal behavior. These assessments can reveal underlying issues, such as family dynamics or community influences. 

2. Tailored Interventions

Once needs are identified, interventions can be tailored to address these specific issues. For example, if substance abuse is a significant factor, a targeted treatment program can be implemented to address that influence. 

3. Resource Allocation

The COMPAS-R Core assessment allows for better allocation of resources. Programs can maximize their impact and efficiency by focusing on high-risk individuals with specific needs. 

4. Monitoring Progress

Ongoing assessments (such as the Supervision Level Review) can track changes in an individual’s risk and needs over time. This allows for adjustments to the intervention strategies as necessary. 

5. Evidence-Based Practices

The COMPAS-R Core risk and needs assessment is based on empirical data, ensuring that the interventions chosen are backed by research. This evidence-based approach increases the likelihood of successful outcomes. 

6. Reducing Recidivism

By effectively addressing criminogenic needs through tailored interventions, the COMPAS-R Core assessment can significantly lower the likelihood of reoffending, contributing to safer communities. 

Addressing criminogenic needs through the COMPAS-R Core risk and needs assessment is a crucial strategy in criminal justice. By understanding and targeting the specific factors that lead to criminal behavior, interventions can be more effective, leading to improved outcomes for individuals and society. To learn more about addressing criminogenic needs, please contact us.

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