Supervision software solutions developed by practitioners partnered with an in-house team of senior software architects and developers.

Improve outcomes, streamline processes, and keep stakeholders and clients on the right path with software solutions that guide supervision decisions.
What can be a painstaking, overwhelming task of creating hundreds or thousands of case plans and also managing justice-involved individuals from beginning to end is made simpler, faster, and more effective with equivant Supervision. From validated assessments and a library of alternative screenings to automated case planning, detailed reporting, and seamless data integrations, each of our solutions has been developed by in-house senior software developers and experienced practitioners who understand the demand of high caseloads and goals of client rehabilitation and reduced recidivism.

Risk Needs Assessments (COMPAS, COMPAS- R, ORAS, OYAS, WRNA-T, LSI-R, LS/CMI, LSI-R: SV)
Easily choose and configure risk needs assessments that measure dynamic risk and need, and guide case planning via automated case plans and reporting functions.
Case Planning
Develop evidence-based comprehensive, customized plans for each client faster, consistently, and objectively with all relevant steps outlined in a format that can be monitored, updated, and customized.
Case Management
Make case management easier through an all-in-one solution, accessible from anywhere by anyone through secure access, meeting the needs of programs, stakeholders, clients, data, and communities.
Alternative Screenings
Identify offense-specific risks and support successful rehabilitation with the Northpointe Suite’s library of alternative screening tools.
Data Integrations
Ensure assessments, case plan updates, and every aspect of an individual’s supervision management plan can be shared between systems and those involved in treatment, and accessed at a glance.
Custom Forms
Create a variety of custom forms to provide efficiencies across your workflows.