Solutions: Alternative Screenings

Identifying the appropriate supervision and case plans for clients requires analysis and data that can be difficult without the proper methods and tools. Our alternative screenings simplify decisions and support workflows to lower recidivism rates through more effective rehabilitation. You’ll gain access to a wide ranging library of screening tools that will promote change through a proven, evidence-based approach.
What they do
With access to more than 25 nationally recognized alternative screening tools covering past trauma, drug and alcohol use, motivation levels, sexual and domestic violence, criminal thinking, and more, you can address the offense-specific risk and needs of individuals involved in the criminal justice system.
The library of Alternative Screening tools can be configured through Security Groups, so staff and stakeholders can make better decisions to help prevent adverse experiences before they occur and protect against poor outcomes.
This allows for seamless development of individualized case plans that target assessed needs, and execution of court-ordered conditions.
How it helps
A variety of specialized screenings means a more accurate client profile and treatment plan.
- Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
- ACUTE-2007
- Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
- Brief Jail Mental Health Screen
- Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Comprehensive
- Case Supervision Review (CSR)
Classification Interview - Columbia Suicide Severity Scale
- Correctional Mental Health Screen (CMHS)
- Corrections Victoria Treatment Readiness Questionnaire (CVTRQ)
- Domestic Violence Screening Instrument-Revised (DVSI-R)
- Female Sex Offender Risk Assessment (FSORA)
- Female Sex Offender Risk Assessment-Revised (FSORA-R)
- Good Lives Model Offender Self-Assessment (GLM-Self)
- Hayes Ability Screening Index (HASI)
- Impaired Driving Assessment (IDA)
- Iowa Sex Offender Risk Assessment (ISORA)
- Juvenile Sex Offender Assessment Protocol (J-SOAP-II)
- Juvenile Detention Screening and Assessment Guide (JDSAG)
- Medical and Mental Health Screening
- Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA)
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-C/S/M for DSM-IV) Civilian, Specific, Military
- PREA Profile Checklist
- PREA Sexual Assault Response and Containment Plan
- STABLE-2007
- Static-99R
- Static-99R 2016
- TCU Criminal Thinking Scales
- TCU Drug Screen II and V
- TCU Drug Screen V Opioid Supplement
- University of Rhode Island Change Assessment (URICA)
- Vermont Assessment of Sex Offender Risk (VASOR)
- Vermont Assessment of Sex Offender Risk-2 (VASOR-2)
- What I Want to Work On
Who it impacts
- Probation/Parole Officers
- Case Managers
- Supervisors
- Administrators
- Justice-Involved Individuals
- Treatment Providers
What it makes possible
Successful treatment and supervision are dependent on individuals receiving proper programming targeting the most impactful criminogenic needs and monitoring risk. By applying the correct screenings, you develop and revise better supervision strategies, treatment plans, and determine who should receive specialized recidivism-reduction oversight, as well as insight into potential violations and positive progress.
Clients are also more receptive to plans that are designed around their needs and situations. When an agency makes informed decisions at every step, justice-involved individuals, case managers, judicial officers, and community members have greater confidence in its ability to provide positive and lasting results.
What’s in it for you?
- Access to nationally recognized alternative screenings to cover all justice-involved individual and treatment needs
- Confidence in a solution developed by practitioners partnered with a team of senior software engineers and architects to ensure the software exceeds expectations
- Access to a variety of validated screening tools to identify criminogenic needs beyond what is captured by the baseline risk/needs assessments
- Data-based reports help defend decisions in case of litigation
- Data-informed decisions and best practices
- Time savings for officers and case managers
- Software that configures quickly and seamlessly
- Services including implementation, data integration, data migration, secure cloud hosting, and research and Inter-Rater Reliability, Norming and Validation Studies
- A proven, person-centered approach
- Exceptional customer experience, including a customer care department and account and customer success managers