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Solutions: Risk Needs Assessments

Successfully plan for and oversee justice-involved persons with an individualized lens to identify risks and needs on an ongoing basis.

Northpointe Seal

Achieving an appropriate level of supervision and creating individualized case plans that address criminogenic needs, stabilization factors, and strengths unique to each client require a trusted and validated assessment. The Northpointe Suite offers a library of risk tools proven to predict risk and needs, supporting case management targeting rehabilitation and enhanced public safety.

What they do

To best suit the needs and requirements of your agency’s and client’s goals, we have multiple assessments from which to choose.

COMPAS is a nationally validated assessment that allows justice practitioners to make evidence-based decisions regarding supervision case planning and program referrals. It takes a holistic view, utilizing information obtained through standardized interviews, official records, and self-report questionnaires. The automated system provides stakeholders with an efficient, easy-to-understand tool honed from years of practical and academic research.

COMPAS-R, the revision of standard COMPAS, is focused on the Central 8 and provides a point-additive, transparent approach to assessment scoring. COMPAS-R Core offers a reduction in overall items from the standard COMPAS, optional trauma screen, and a robust set of configuration capabilities to support every aspect of your decision-making process. Generate a case management strategy directly from assessment results to ensure all criminogenic, stabilization, and strength factors are visible using software that supports both public safety and the RNR approach. Execution of case management, case planning, treatment, and programming decisions are made seamless with LSI assessments that are fully integrated in the Northpointe Suite.

Risk Assessment Meeting
Lawyer Signing Paper Works

ORAS and OYAS are sets of risk need assessment tools authored and managed by the University of Cincinnati’s Corrections Institute (UCCI) that help assess both adult and juvenile client needs, target interventions, and inform responses to behavior. It is validated to identify criminogenic factors and can also help determine each person’s risk of reoffending. The data collected in the assessment can then be used to establish a collaborative case plan including goals,actions, and next steps.

Womens’ Risk Need Assessment Trailer (WRNA-T) is a validated tool designed specifically for system-impacted women. It aids in gender-responsive programming by identifying and measuring criminogenic needs as well as strengths unique to women. The results of the assessment lead to comprehensive plans designed to work alongside gender- and trauma-responsive treatment and supervision. Execution of case management, case planning, treatment, and programming decisions are made seamless with LSI assessments that are fully integrated in the Northpointe Suite.

Women in Thought
Lawyer Consulting With Client

Multi-Health Systems Level of Service assessments include the Level of Service Inventory-Revised (LSI-R), Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI), and Level of Service Inventory: Screening Version (LSI-R: SV). These tools help correctional, mental health, and probation and parole professionals identify, measure, and manage risk to Public Safety. Execution of case management, case planning, treatment, and programming decisions are made seamless with LSI assessments that are fully integrated in the Northpointe Suite.

How it helps

  • Allow you to choose validated, actuarial Risk Needs Assessments that best suit your workflow, process, clients, and jurisdiction policy
  • Make risk-based decisions using a library of screenings designed for specific populations with histories of domestic violence, DUI offenses, sexual assault, and mental health issues and more
  • Support the automated creation of individualized case plans to facilitate the development and execution of treatment decisions and court-ordered conditions
  • Track outcomes linked back to assessed needs and risks along with a logical flow of case planning and programming
  • Organize all client and assessment data under a master person identifier to view the span of activity for justice-involved individuals, review of historical assessment results and prior case plan progress
  • Leverage existing static data in new assessments to eliminate redundant data entry and cut assessment administration time

Who it impacts

  • Probation/Parole Officers
  • Case Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Administrators
  • Justice-Involved Individuals
  • Treatment Providers
Employee Monitoring Two Computers

What it makes possible

The first step to successful rehabilitation and a safer community is accurate assessments. When you start the process with a validated instrument, measurement is consistent and defensible, providing the right data to effectively supervise and manage justice-involved individuals.

Designed for community-based supervision settings and jail/prison reentry preparations, our Northpointe Suite software enables effective case planning and management that supports staff in their efforts to target criminogenic needs and reinforce behavior change resulting in reduced recidivism and safer communities.

What’s in it for you?

  • Confidence in a solution developed by practitioners for practitioners and created by a team of senior software engineers using the most advanced agile development methodologies to ensure it exceeds expectations
  • Streamlined case planning
  • Access to a library of alternative screening tools that target at offense or population specific risk
  • Validated instruments that are dependable and defensible
  • Data-informed decisions and best practices
  • Time savings for Probation/Parole Officers and Case Managers 
  • Software that configures quickly and seamlessly
  • Services including implementation, data integration, data migration, secure cloud hosting, and research and Inter-Rater Reliability, Norming and Validation Studies
  • A proven, person-centered approach 
  • Exceptional customer experience, including a customer care department, account and customer success managers
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