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Strengthening Trust and Creating Hope Within the Justice System

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The week of July 17-23, 2022, marks the 23rd annual National Pretrial, Probation, and Parole Supervision (PPPS) Week. Across the country, agencies recognize and celebrate corrections professionals’ critical role in serving their communities. This year’s theme focuses on restoring trust and creating hope in a justice system greatly impacted by the pandemic, staffing shortages, lack of resources, and agency budget cuts.

The challenges our world has faced over the past few years have disrupted numerous institutions, policies, and practices we largely took for granted. These challenges have called into question what and who do we trust? We’ve been called to reexamine how we operate and adapt our practices to rapidly changing environments.

As we begin to rebuild, we recommend reviewing the following 4 areas:

  1. Are we accurately and transparently identifying risk and criminogenic needs using a validated assessment?
  2. How are we using the risk and needs results to inform case management, case planning, and resource allocation?
  3. If there are redundant efforts (i.e., duplicate data entry, maintaining multiple spreadsheets to track work, etc.), how can they be streamlined?
  4. How are we capturing and examining data that support relevant processes and practices?

Often, these steps are easier said than done and require effort that could take away from important interactions that impact behavior change and reduce the likelihood of recidivism.

Once an inventory has been taken, areas that could use additional support can benefit from an array of tools that the Northpointe Suite has readily available for you and your team.

Tools Identifying Risks and Needs

An estimated 1 in 66 adult U.S. residents were under community supervision at the end of 2020, almost 3.9 million Americans. That’s nearly four million people with different needs – and four million people who require unique, customized case and treatment plans.

Research shows matching supervision and treatment programs to risk level results in better outcomes. The Northpointe Suite’s Risk Needs Assessment allows your agency to measure and identify risk and needs through an individualized lens.

Transparency Builds Trust

Our recently released COMPAS-R Core assessment does all of this and more. It was developed through extensive collaboration with partners from across the nation and our research team. The result is a point-additive assessment that uses more neutral language, is shorter to administer, and is completely transparent.

It is also fully customizable to your agency’s preferences. Northpointe also provides an extensive library of nationally recognized alternative screening tools and automated assessment tools designed to accurately inform risk level and help design case plans that will be most effective for clients.

Data Collection For Meaningful System Analysis

Increasingly, our system is being called to provide proof that the processes and procedures we use are effective. Having a robust ability to collect and capture the data for extracts and reports is essential. Many agencies rely on spreadsheets and inputting data manually. Let us show you how the Northpointe Suite can help streamline the data collection to ease the reporting process. It will save your team valuable time and help make the most of scarce staff numbers and dwindling resources.

Streamlining the Day-to-Day

The Northpointe Suite’s Case Manager allows your agency to set reminders easily, manage scheduling, and reduce dual data entry – all in one simple solution, complete with extensive integration capabilities. Spend less time duplicating work efforts, giving you more opportunities to focus on your community and enhance public safety.

We know firsthand how important it is to spend time developing relationships within your community. That’s why we’re here to make it easier to manage the day-to-day and provide you with the easiest solutions.

Contact us today to learn how we can help.

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